Where produced bag sales?

by:Tongyuan      2020-11-01
Obviously, this is an answer to 'netizens'. Guangdong degradable plastic products co. , LTD. Is a trash bag manufacturer, and business has history of more than 18 years. See 'produced where garbage bag sales? 'This kind of problem, I pause for at least 3 seconds. Wag of the head, my thoughts, decided to discuss this problem with everybody together. First pour the group using a push trash bags together. What is it? Someone to place all things, just need bags! There is no doubt that these groups can become garbage bags manufacturer's customers. The second question, we how to put the factory production of garbage bags sales for groups or individuals? Online is 'two way'. Online bag promotion advertising, such as passive customers in need to find you; Or through online initiative to find customers for sales. Offline again, in the traditional marketing channels, such as customers actively looking for 'the door' in need; Or run the market actively looking for offline customer. Of course, most enterprise is '' online and off-line marketing mode, combine the two to do business. As for, where garbage bag sales this issue. I think, where is your customer base, you pin to the garbage bags! In this paper, the default garbage bag manufacturers strength strong, large scale of production, the 'bad' capacity, form a complete set of logistics service, after-sale service, as well as product quality 'good' bags. So far, seasky, your bag around every where you want to sell it doesn't matter, after all is a consumable, not no buyers. If garbage bag manufacturer still in its infancy, the relatively small size, suggest to do local and provincial customers, your bag sales, location advantages 'strongest', can reduce the transportation cost, is more conform to the enterprise development management idea. To strengthen the enterprise service ability, outstanding product quality, also won't no buyers. Where to find 'buyers', this problem does not need to explain it.
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